To the world, with love

Because, kindness makes us most beautiful people on this world, no matter how we look.

Jer, ljubaznost nas čini najlepšim osobama na svetu bez obzira na to kako izgledamo.

First of all, I want to say something. THANK YOU! Thank you because there’s so much of you, for such a short notice. Thank you for all those beautiful comments you all wrote, for leaving such a nice words. Thank you for appreciating what I do, for supporting who I am, for being so kind and pure hearted. Thank you for where we are. Even if we don’t make it, Sun will come up and we, together, will try again.

 Pre svega, želim vam reći nešto. HVALA! Hvala vam što ste u tolikom broju, a za tako kratko vreme. Hvala vam što ste mi pisali tako divne komentare, ostavljali tako divne reči. Hvala vam što cenite ono što radim, što podržavate ono ko sam, što ste tako ljubazni i čistog srca. Hvala vam što smo tu gde jesmo. Čak i da ne uspemo, Sunce će opet izaći i mi ćemo, zajedno, pokušati opet.

I want to forward you a really important message. Spread love, you are worth it. You are worth to love, to be loved. People around you are worth to be loved, to give them some nice words, to give them hand in hard times, to be their support when they start falling down and that strong hug at their worst. Let go of fear that someone will hurt you, or hate you even that’s too harsh word. You need to let go of that fear that people are going to talk around, that people are not going to support you, and I also need to do that with you. And they won’t support you, but that doesn’t mean that you need to give up. People will always have something to say, it’s your if you are going to listen to them or not. Because, it is very important to know that whoever wants to bring you down, is already at the bottom.

Želim vam preneti još jednu jako važnu poruku. Širite ljubav, vredni ste toga. Vredni ste da volite, da budete voljeni. Vredni su ljudi oko vas da ih vi volite, da im pružite lepu reč, da im pružite ruku u teškim vremenima, da im budete oslonac kada padaju i onaj čvrst zagrljaj kada im je najgore. Oslobodite se straha da će vas neko povrediti, da će vas neko mrzeti ili je to čak pregruba reč. Oslobodite se toga, a i ja moram zajedno sa vama, da će ljudi pričati, da vas ljudi neće podržati. I neće, ali to ne znači da vi treba da odustanete. Ljudi će uvek imati šta da kažu, vaše je da li ćete poslušati ili ne. Jer, vrlo je važno znati da ko god želi da vas spusti dole, već odavno je na dnu.

Be someone’s home, and let someone become your shelter during the storms of life. Try to loosen up brakes you are pressing so hard and instead enjoy in what you already have. There’s only one life, and it’s short, time is passing by really fast. Days go, so fast that the most of us don’t even remember on what and where we have spent days of this month, summer, year. That’s just a sign that time is passing by, and we won’t be able to catch its arm and hold it tight. We won’t and we have to realize that. We won’t be able to brake a clock and stop time. We are aware of fact that days are passing by, and that none of those days has never gotten back. But doesn’t mean we have to stand on side, and be fans of life. No. Be in love with life every minute.

Budite nekome dom i dozvolite nekome da postane vaše sklonište tokom oluja života.  Probajte da pustite kočnice koje čvrsto stežete i da uživate u onome što imate. Život je jedan, kratak je, vreme brzo prolazi. Dani idu, tako brzo da se većina nas čak i ne seća na šta i gde je potrošila dane ovog meseca, leta, godine. To je samo znak da vreme prolazi, a da mi nećemo biti u mogućnosti da ga uhvatimo za ruku i čvrsto zadržimo. Nećemo i moramo biti svesni toga. Nećemo moći da slomimo sat i da vreme prestane da teče. Svi smo svesni činjenice da dani idu, a da se nijedan od njih nikada nije vratio. Ali, to ne znači da mi moramo da stojimo sa strane, čineći publiku životu. Ne. Budite u ljubavi sa životom svaki minut istog.

Be gentle, don’t let this rough life, and world, turn you into something like it. Because I believe  you are not like that, because I’m not. You have to be aware of that there is also bad people on this world, but there’s also good one waiting for your attention. Never let bitterness that people carry with themselves steal all of your will. Don’t let your suffering and pain make you hate the world around you. Don’t allow yourself to spread hate through life, to spread hate towards the world. World is already full of hate, we are all aware of that. Spread beautiful feelings, we are all enough of hate. It is important to know that if you help one person out, that won’t change the world, but it will change the world of that one person.

Budite nežni, ne dozvolite da vas ovaj grub život i svet pretvori u nekoga poput njega. Jer ja verujem da vi  niste takvi, jer ja nisam takva. Morate biti svesni toga da na svetu postoje loši ljudi, ali postoje i oni dobri koji čekaju vašu pažnju. Nikada ne dozvolite da gorčina koju ljudi nose sa sobom ukrade svu vašu volju. Nemojte da dozvolite da vas patnja i bol učine da zamrzite svet oko sebe. Nemojte da dozvolite da širite mržnju kroz život, da širite mržnju prema svetu. Svet je i ovako  pun mržnje, svi smo svesni toga. Širite lepa osećanja, mržnje nam je dosta svima. Jer važno je znati, ako pomognete jednoj osobi, to neće promeniti čitav svet, ali će promeniti celi svet te jedne osobe.

Do you think that because you have a soft heart is your weakness? No, it’s not. Because world is so cruel, doesn’t mean we all have to be like that. Your love, your tenderness, your hope, for better mornings, for prettier times, that’s not your weakness, that’s your advantage. You, and when I am talking to you, I am talking to everybody, like I am talking to myself, you are in front of everybody. You spread love, positive energy, you support me, them, us, yourself. You hugged this world even if the world is like barbed wire, even if you know that it will leave wound, and those wounds will leave scars, after all of that you still hugged it. You laughed at everything that was bringing you down, you helped everyone who was knocking you down on your road to top, and you gave your arm to everybody who tried to trip you on stairs of your success. You, exactly you, need to realize that you already succeeded. You are on top long time ago, above all of us, them. Above the world. There where you are, you shine with you all of your shine, you are looking at the world like you look at someone who needs help and someone you are going to help out. You are on you goal for long time, you did what you wanted to do long time ago. Because you have pure heart and don’t think that’s your flaw. That’s your strength, your beauty, just find someone who will appreciate you for who you are and who will learn to keep that and never give anyone to spoil that, with theirs dirty thoughts they are walking through life, your beautiful heart. Your soul.

Da li smatrate da je to što imate meko srce, vaša slabost? Ne, nije. To što je svet tako okrutan, ne znači da svi moramo takvi biti. Vaša ljubav, vaša nežnost, vaša volja za nadom, za boljim jutrima, za lepšim vremena, to nije vaša slabost, to je vaša prednost. Ti, a kada se obraćam tebi, obraćam se svima, obraćam se sebi, ti si u mnogo čemu ispred svih nas. Ti širiš ljubav, pozitivnu energiju, podržavaš mene, njih, nas, samog sebe. Ti si prigrlio ovaj svet iako je on poput bodljikave žice, iako znaš da će ti ostaviti rane, a te rane će ti ostaviti ožiljke, ti si ga nakon svega priglio. Ti si se nasmešio svemu što te je sputavalo, ti si pomogao svima koji su te obarali ka tvom putu ka vrhu, ti si pružio ruku onima koji su tebi podmetali nogu na stepenica tvoga uspeha. Ti, baš ti, moraš da shvatiš da si uspeo. Odavno si već na vrhu, odavno si iznad svih nas, njih. Iznad sveta. Tamo negde si, sijaš svojim sjajem, posmatrajući na svet kao na nekoga kome treba pomoć i koju ćeš ti da mu pružiš. Ti si odavno na svome cilju, odavno si uspeo u onome što si hteo. Jer ti imaš čisto srce i nemoj misliti da ti je to mana. To je tvoja snaga, tvoja lepota, samo nađi nekoga ko će ceniti to što si takav i ko će naučiti da to čuva i neće dati nikome da ti uprlja, svojim prljavim mislima kojim koračaju kroz život, tvoje predivno srce. Tvoju dušu.

You, kind man, thank you. Thank you for being you, thank you for existing, thank you for showing me that there are still people worth fighting for. To you with love.

Tebi, dobri čoveče, hvala. Hvala što si takav, hvala što postojiš, hvala što si mi pokazao da na svetu postoje još ljudi za koje je vredno boriti se. Tebi, s ljubavlju.

Respect others’ feelings. Even if they don’t mean anything to you, they mean everything to someone. Be the person you always wanted to be when you were younger. I know. You know. Just because you grew up, because you met the world from the different angle, doesn’t mean you need to swim In that icy sea full of dangers that are lurking, waiting for an opportunity to attack you. You know it yourself what I mean. Be the person who would a younger you hug. Be the one whom you felt safe with. Be your own home.

Poštuj tuđa osećanja. Čak i onda kada ne znače tebi ništa, nekome znači sve. Budi ona osoba koja si želeo da budeš kada si bio mlađi. A ja znam. Ti znaš. To što si odrastao, što si upoznao svet iz drugačijeg ugla, ne znači da moraš da uplivaš u to ledeno more puno raznih opasnosti koje vrebaju, čekajući zgodnu priliku da te napadnu. Znaš i sam na šta  mislim. Budi onaj koga bi mala osoba, mali ti, zagrlio. Budi onaj kod koga bi se ti osećao sigurnim. Budi sam sebi dom.

You are a fighter. A warrior. Warriors never quit. Why would you all of a sudden give up on everything? Take your sword, your helmet, and go fight. Go in your fight with life, but not to hurt, but to make it stronger with you thoughts, your words, and your heart. May your words be your weapon through life, and armor, your heart? Because I know, and you know, that there is power in all was strong enough to change this world. Only if we find it and light up that fire in ourselves. I know, you can, because I believe in you.

Ti si borac. Ratnik. Ratnici nikada ne odustaju. Zašto bi ti onda digao ruke od svega? Uzmi svoj mač, svoj šlem u ruke i kreni u borbu. Uhvati se u koštac sa životom, ali ne da bi ga povredio, već da bi ga nadjačao svojim mislima, svojim rečima, svojim srcem. Neka ti uvek kroz život oružje budu reči, a zaštitni oklop, srce. Jer ja znam, a znaš i ti, da u svakom od nas postoji moć da promenimo svet. Samo ako je pronađemo i ako zapalimo tu vatru u sebi. Ja znam da ti to možeš jer ja verujem u tebe.

I hope that days when you feel alive are in front of you. But more than anything, I hope that you are happy and in love with the feeling of being alive. Live life. Do you know what the best part of living the life is? Knowing that every morning you will wake up with strength and will, with big need to change the world. Every morning life gives you possibility to become the best version of yourself, use it.

Nadam se da su pred tobom dani u kojima se osećaš živo. Ali više od svega se nadam da si srećan i da si u ljubavi sa tim osećanjem da si živ. Da živiš život. Znaš li šta je najbolji deo življenja života? Saznanje da ćeš svako jutro moći da se probudiš sa snagom i voljom, sa velikom prilikom da promeniš svet. Svako ti jutro život daje mogućnost da postaneš najbolja verzija sebe, iskoristi je.

And I hope, that someone, somewhere, will recognize my soul here and say ‘I would love her’.

A ja se nadam, da će neko, negde, nekada, spozanti moju dušu ovde i da će reći ‘Voleo bih je’.

To the world, to all of you, with love. ❤

Svetu, vama, tebi, s ljubavlju. 

I’ll leave links to some people and their blogs so that you can look at them yourself and read their stories. I’m sorry if your name will not be found, but believe me, I will randomly pull out a couple of bloggers as a thank you, and there will be more of these posts, so I’ll make sure everyone’s name is meaningful. Thanks again.

Ostaviću ovde linkove nekih ljudi i njihovih blogova da biste mogli da ih i sami pogledate i pročitate njihove priče. Žao mi je ako se baš vaše ime neće naći, ali verujte mi, nasumično izvlačim par blogera kao izraz zahvalnosti, a i biće još ovakvih postova, pa ću se potruditi da se svačije ime pomene. Hvala Vam još jednom.

168 thoughts on “To the world, with love

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    – Locke Dor.

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