We bleed the same


Place of birth: Planet Earth
Race: Human
Religion: Love

Mesto rođenja: Zemlja
Rasa: Čovek
Religija: ljubav

Every one of us must find its own place in life which will help to get ours humanity back. Which will find love in ourselves. The place we will meet our soul.

Svako od nas mora da nađe svoje mesto u životu koje će mu povratiti ljudskost. Koja će mu pronaći ljubav u sebi. Mesto na kom će upoznati svoju dušu.

It’s okay. I have to tell you that it’s totally fine. Have you done something bad? Have you made a mistake you regret for? It’s okay, it really is.  You have made a bad choice, it’s okay. That doesn’t mean that you have to pay for that for the rest of your life. You have played a wrong move with life and it outsmarted you, but everything is okay. The game doesn’t end there. Sometimes even good people made a wrong move too. Even good people make a wrong decision. Even those pure and untouched beings let life to move them from their place and take them in wrong direction. And it’s okay. I’m telling you this, because that’s how it is. It have to believe me. Just because you made wrong step, played bad move, doesn’t mean that you are bad. That means that you are a human.

U redu je. Moram ti reći da je sasvim u redu. Jesi li nešto pogrešno uradio ? Jesi li načinio grešku zbog koje se sada kaješ ? U redu je, zaista jeste. Napravio si loš izbor, u redu je. To ne znači da moraš za to da plaćaš do kraja života. Odigrao si pogrešno potez sa životom I on te je nadmudrio, ali u redu je. Igra se ne završava tu. Ponekad i dobri ljudi načine pogrešni korak. I dobri ljudi znaju doneti pogrešnu odluku. Čak i ona čista i neiskvarena bića znaju dozvoliti životu da ih pomeri sa mesta i odvede u suprotnom smeru. I u redu je. Ja ti to kažem, jer jeste tako. Ti mi moraš poverovati. To što si načinio pogrešan korak, odigrao pogrešan potez, ne znači da si loš. To samo znači da si čovek.

I will tell you something. Before anything, our duty is to help someone. If we are not able to help someone because of any reason, then we shouldn’t do it, we shouldn’t hurt anyone. If you are not able to give me your hand, then don’t do it. Just don’t. That won’t make you a human, and everybody was born with that gift to be human. To become a human. We are not perfect human beings. I am not asking that from you, so don’t ask that from me. If someone is asking you to be that, you just need to know those persons have a lot of their flaws, and they are trying to hide them by sticking yours out. Don’t ever wish to be perfect because nothing is perfect. Take a good look around you, that what is pretty to you, is not perfect. If you look a little longer, you will see its flaw. One, even two. Three. Four. Way too much. Do you know why it looked perfect at first? Because it was beautiful to you. You liked it. Maybe you feel in love with that thing. That person. That human being. That human.  You were in love so much that you didn’t even notice its flaws. You lighten their flaws up with light you carry deep in your soul and they became light. That human being became your light. So don’t try to be perfect. Try to find someone who will see all of your flaws, and still think that you are perfect. None of us, especially not you a soul full of light, should try to be perfect. Try to be the best version of yourself. Try to be a human.

Reći ću ti nešto. Pre svega, naša dužnost je da pomognemo nekome. Ako ipak nismo u mogućnosti da pružimo pomoć iz onog ili ovog razloga, onda nemoj, samo nemoj povrediti nekoga. Ako nisi spreman na to da mu pružiš ruku, nemoj ga ni gurnuti. Samo nemoj. To te neće učiniti čovekom, a svako od nas se rodio sa tim darom da je čovek. Da će postati čovek. Jer mi nismo savršena ljudska bića. Ja ne tražim to od tebe, ne traži ni ti to od  mene. Ako neko traži to od tebe, znaj da upravo taj ima puno svojih mana koje pokušava prikriti tako što će istaknuti tvoje. Nemoj nikada da poželiš da budeš savršen jer ništa nije savršeno. Dobro pogledaj oko sebe, ono što je tvom oku lepo, nije savršeno. Ako ga pogledaš duze, ugledaćeš mu manu. Jednu, pa dve. Tri. Četiri. Previše. Znaš li zašto ti se na prvi pogled učinilo savršenim ? Jer ti je bilo lepo. Dopalo ti se. Možda si čak i zavoleo tu stvar. Tu osobu. To živo biće. Tog čoveka. Toliko si ga zavoleo da nisi primetio mane koje on poseduje. Osvetlio si svojim svetlom koji nosiš u dubini duše sve njegove mračne strane i on je postao svetlo. Postao je tvoje svetlo. Zato se ne trudi da budes savršen. Potrudi se da nađeš nekoga ko će na tebi videti sve tvoje mane, a smatrati te savršenim. Niko od nas, pogotovu ne ti dušo puna svetlosti, ne treba da se trudiš da budes savršen. Potrudi se da budeš najbolja verzija sebe. Potrudi se da budeš čovek.

 I will tell you one really important thing. If someone is treating you how you don’t deserve, don’t worry, the problem is not in you. Remember that. Normal people will never go through life and destroy other human beings. And don’t think that you deserved that behavior. It’s not what we deserve, it’s about in what we believe. Because in what we believe, that’s what we will become one day.

Reći ću ti još jednu jako važnu stvar. Ako te neko tretira kako ne zaslužuješ, ne brini, nije problem u tebi. Zapamti to. Normalni ljudi nikada nece ići kroz život i uništavati ostala ljudska bića. I nemoj misliti da si zaslužio takvo ponašanje. Ne radi se o tome šta mi zaslužujemo, već o onome  u šta verujemo. Jer to u šta poverujemo, jednog dana ćemo  I postati.

And you believe. Believe that you are a good human. That you are better human than me, him, her, and them. Believe that you are even better than yourself. And you will be. I believe that I can change a life a little bit to someone who is reading this because I spread positive energy. I spread love, not hate. I spread hope, not bitterness. I am becoming a better person. I know that you are also becoming one. Why wouldn’t all of the humans in this world have the same interest? Let’s become better people, all of us. Let each of us be a human.

A ti veruj. Veruj da si dobar čovek. Da si bolji čovek od mene, njega, nje, njih. Veruj da si bolji čovek od sebe samog. I postaćeš. Ja verujem da mogu promeniti barem malo život nekome ko ovo čita jer širim pozitivnu energiju. Širim ljubav, a ne mržnju. Širim nadu, a ne gorčinu. Postajem bolji covek. Znam da to isto postaješ I ti. Zašto svi ljudi ne bi imali isto zanimanje na svetu? Hajde da svi budemo dobri ljudi. Hajde da svako od nas bude čovek.

  You are here to cure, not to hurt. You are here to love, not to hate. You are here to create, not to destroy. Never forget that I am also a human and I also have feelings. I will never forget that you are a human as much as I am. Remember, we all bleed the same.

Ti si ovde da lečiš, ne da povređuješ. Ovde si da voliš, ne da mrziš. Ovde si da stvaraš, ne da unistavaš. Nikada ne zaboravi da sam i ja čovek i da i ja imam osećanja takođe. Ja neću zaboraviti da si i ti čovek isto kao i ja. Jer zapamti, svi krvarimo isto.

 Maybe you think you are better than me, or someone over there, maybe you truly are. But only when you can say ‘I am better person than you’ then you will be that. As long as people better by looks, money, job or whatever you are comparing yourself to other, realize, they are not. They are not better person than you. On all they have just say ‘Maybe, but I am a better person than you are’. Don’t you believe in that good people also exist? Fine, but it is simple. You became the reason why people will believe in what’s good in them. And then toy will become a good person. Your life will become fulfilled. You will be happy. Peaceful. You will be a human.

Možda misliš da si bolji od mene, ili nekoga tamo, možda to I jesi zaista. Ali samo onda kada možeš reći ‘Bolji sam čovek od tebe’ onda ćeš zaista i biti to. Sve dok su ljudi bolji od vas po izgledu, novcu, poslu ili čime god da se upoređujete, shvatite, nisu. Nije bolji čovek od vas. Na sve to njihovo samo recite ‘Možda, ali ja sam bolji čovek od tebe’. Jel ne veruješ u to da dobri ljudi postoje? Dobro, ali pazi, prosto je. Ti postani razlog zbog kojeg će neko poverovati u ono dobro u ljudima. A onda ćeš postati i dobar čovek. Postaćeš životno ispunjen. Bićeš srećan. Miran. Bićeš čovek.

 Because, dear human, you get it wrong. You look life from wrong angle. You are walking on the wrong paths. Dear human, you are not here to be experienced I some endless love. Before anything you are here to learn what self-love is. The love you are giving you yourself. You are here to learn to give that love to others. You are not here to step over other people, to ruin their dreams, to take away their hope like the last breath. You are not here to spread hate, you made yourself that way.
You, good human, don’t let someone to step over you. You are not weak. You are not imperfect. Don’t think that you are not worth it. Because you are, you believe in that you are not. I believe that you are strong enough to fight. That you are worth to be a better person.
Don’t hurt others, no one reacts on pain the same way as you do. No one has the same scars. No one hurts the same. But remember, our blood is same and we all bleed the same.

Jer, dragi čovece, shvataš pogrešno. Gledaš život iz pogrešnog ugla. Koračaš pogrešnim stazama. Dragi čovece, ti nisi došao ovde da bi bio iskusan u nekoj beskonačnoj ljubavi. Ti si ovde da bi naučio pre svega sta je to lična ljubav. Ona ljubav koju pružaš sam sebi. Ovde si da bi naučio da pružiš tu ljubav i drugima. Nisi ovde da bi gazio preko drugih ljudi, da bi rušio njima snove, da bi im oduzimao nadu kao poslednji uzdah vazduha. Ti nisi došao ovde da širiš mržnju, takav si se sam stvorio.

Ti, dobri čovece, nemoj da dozvoliš da te neko gazi. Ti nisi slab. Nisi nesavršen. Ti nemoj da misliš da nisi vredan. Jer jesi, sam si poverovao u to da nisi. Ja verujem da si dovoljno snažan da se izboriš. Da si vredan da budeš dobar čovek.

Nemoj povređivati druge, niko ne reaguje isto na bol. Niko nema iste ožiljke. Nikoga ne boli istom jačinom. Ali zapamti, krv nam je svima ista i svi krvarimo isto.

  So don’t, don’t try. Love doesn’t need a lot, why are you than asking from it so much? If you are not ready to give love, support, then go. Someone will come on your place and they will know what you couldn’t do.

Zato nemoj, ne trudi se. Ljubavi ne treba puno, zašto onda tako mnogo tražiš od nje ? Ako nisi spreman da pružiš ljubav, podršku, onda idi. Neko će drugi doći na tvoje mesto i znaće ono što ti nisi umeo.

   And you, good human, believe. Don’t try to be perfect because you already are. Try to be a better person than them. Than me. Than yourself. And I have already told you that, it’s up to you if you are going to believe it or not.

A ti, dobri čovece, veruj. Ne trudi se da budes savršen jer to već i jesi. Trudi se samo da budeš bolji čovek od njega. Od mene.Od samog sebe. I ja sam ti to već rekla, na tebi je da poveruješ u to.

 One day when you become a good person, you won’t be just that. You will became half human, half universe. For someone, for whole world.

   Onog dana kada postaneš dobar čovek, nećeš biti samo to. Ti ćeš postati pola čovek, pola univerzum. Za nekoga, ceo svet.

  Love yourself don’t let other people bring you down. Those people aren’t better than you, their life is just hate, road through hell. Became fire where they left ashes. Because, if I ask you know about things you love how much would you need till you say your name?

Voli sebe ne dozvoljavaj da te ljudi gaze. Ti ljudi nisu bolji od tebe. Njima je život samo mržnja, put kroz pakao. Ti postani vatra tamo gde su oni postali pepeo. Jer, ako te sada pitam o svim stvarima koje voliš, koliko bi ti dugo trebalo dok ne kažeš svoje ime ?

At the end of everything,

We are all just humans,

Drunk with idea of love and that only love can save us.

We believe that love can heal our wounds.

At the end, it’s important to be a human.

Never forget: We all bleed the same.

Na kraju svega,
mi smo svi samo ljudi,
Pijani smo u toj ideji da ljubav i jedino ljubav može da nas spasi.
Verujemo u to da ona može da izleči našu povređenost.
na kraju svega, važno je biti čovek.

Nikada ne zaboravi : Svi krvarimo isto.

94 thoughts on “We bleed the same

  1. g3n1j4l4c says:

    Fenomenalno. Oduševljava me tvoje baratanje sa oba jezika. Veoma mi se dopao tekst. Najpre jer ga razumem lično. Uvek sam se trudio da pomognem. Čak i kada to od mene ne traže. Često sam zbog toga dobio packe, izgleda kao da se namećem. Nikada me to nije sprečilo da nastavim da budem na raspolaganju. Uvek sam verovao u ljudsku dobrotu.
    Ono što želim da te pitam, da mi daš svoje mišljenje je sledeće… Nije mi problem da me sapliću i povlače naniže ljudi koji mi zavide ili im smetam u njihovom ambicijama. Postoji jedna osoba, koja to radi iz drugog razloga. Da bi sebe ubedila da nisam dovoljno vredan i da bi mogla da kaže da nisam takva osoba kakva jesam. Najjednostavnije bi bilo da se okrenem i odem. Ali je činjenica da mi puno znači u životu, a očigledno i ja njoj (zbog toga i želi da me “obezvredi”).
    Kako se ona uklapa u ovaj tvoj (fenomenalan) tekst?

    Liked by 1 person

    • mteodoraa says:

      Pre svega, hvala na podršci, jako mi je drago da ti se dopada tekst. Takođe, hvala što ta zinima moje mišljenje. Da, razumem da ti znači, ali nikada nećep povrediti osobe koje voliš. Nisi vredan toga da te neko obezvredi. Bolje se okreni i idi, naći ćeš nekoga ko će da te ceni. Samo veruj da vrediš, svi vredimo jer svako od nas ima nešto posebno što nas čini upravo takvim, posebnim 🙂 A ta osoba je nezadovoljna životom svojim, životom koji živi i onda se trudi da svima bude isto. Klasičan primer današnjih ljudi. Ali to ne znači da ti treba da obraćaš pažnju, ponekad je najbolje okrenuti se i otići 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • g3n1j4l4c says:

        Uf. Komplikovanije je od toga. Voleo bih da mog ću da odem. Mislim, jesam emocionalno. Fizički za sada ne mogu. I ne želi meni da bude loše. Želi sebe da ubedi da ja nisam takva osoba. A ja ne mogu da joj dam povoda da misli da dam liga osoba.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. weedjee says:

    Very nice and it’s so true, I don’t know human beings with different color in the blood, could be blue from royals and it could be a business and of a cradle of zealots… a human being ‘s a human being and live it up.
    Hails from Spain

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Ward Clever says:

    Ju mund të jeni shtatëmbëdhjetë vjeç, por shpirti juaj është i lashtë!

    “One day when you become a good person, you won’t be just that. You will became half human, half universe. For someone, for whole world.” Half human, half universe – this is one of the best concepts that I have ever read. You’re amazingly wise and perceptive, and an incredible philosopher. I appreciate your words, and your heart. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. vishalbheeroo says:

    WoW, this brilliant reflection spoke directly to me when I needed it the most. Been suffering from guilty pang and shouted at mom last time in front of few people. It shouldn’t have happened and was wrong on my part. It was not her fault but guess something wrong with me. Thank you for this post. You are an angel.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. ebyaniy says:

    thank you teodora for your thoughts and writing. it has us reflecting of the meaning of it all which I think is good.

    some thoughts came to me when considering out mortality and what it means. the whole thing is brilliant when you think about it. the earth is basically populated with people who are less than 100 years old. there has been tremendous suffering throughout history, yet the human race continues to thrive and increase.

    we are the sum of our interactions with others but each of us must face an end to our time here. all of us leave with nothing more than our souls and the affect we have left and leave on others.

    pride does not survive. it is as if pride is being eliminated from the creation. even the Creator left His pride behind and allowed Himself to be openly crucified before the world naked, tortured and bloody.

    my thoughts are incomplete. I wanted to thank you for encouraging us to search deeper for the meaning of it all. kind humble hearts will prevail. pride will be gone forever.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Andy says:

    Beutiful vision! Unconditional love starts with forgiving ourselves. We only give love when we are open to receive love. It’s a flow, otherwise we soon become depleted. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  7. K.C. says:

    We crave too much to be perfectionist each day in each chore but true we are Humans. To err is human. You depicted beautifully. Sometimes it’s okay to let it go, it’s not always about giving up. Sometimes it’s always about trying and moving on. A nice read.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. rolandlegge says:

    I love your message that we are called to be human. The world needs to be reminded of this over and over again. We need to learn to love and respect each other wartz and all. You do very well to write in two languages. It is a blessing to meet you through your blog. Blessings Roland

    Liked by 1 person

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