Life through two brown eyes


                        If you don’t do what you love, you are wasting your time.

                      Ako ne radiš u životu ono što voliš, ti samo gubiš vreme.

Life is much more than what everyone is talking about. Much more than what you see. You have set yourself a boundaries you are afraid you to run over. Look at life with my eyes and you will realize…

Život je mnogo više od toga što vam pričaju. Mnogo je više od toga što vidite. Vi ste sami sebi postavili granice preko kojih se plašite ići. Pogledajte na život iz mog ugla i shvatićete..

You will realize how life can be sweet and bitter at the same time. That life can be as beautiful as it is ugly. That life can be your rainbow if you are not blind to see it. Life is not always gray, if you are ready to realize that. When you realize that life is not bad, that days aren’t also bad, and when you see that from every day something good happens, than you will realize life. You will realize what it means to live a life modestly, but you live it to the fullest. Just when you spread your wings, you will realize that you succeeded. I will tell you my view on world.

Shvatićete da život ume biti sladak isto koliko je i gorak. Da život ume da bude lep isto koliko je i ružan. Da život može biti vaša duga ako niste slepi da je vidite. Život nije uvek siv, ako ste spremni to da shvatite. Onda kad shvatite da nije život loš, da dani nisu loši, već da iz svakoga dana može da se izvuče nešto dobro, onda ćete shvatiti život. Shvatićete šta znači kada živite život skromno, ali punim plućima. Samo onda kada raširite svoja krila, shvatićete koliko ste uspeli. A ja ću vam reći moj pogled na svet..

Life is beautiful, hard, even boring sometimes, unpredictable. But more than anything it is, actually, short. One blink, and its gone. And no one can, sadly, give you your life back. And In that moment when you realize that you youth is gone, your age is gone, that everything came to an end, what do you think, what will be important? Expensive car you are driving? School you have finished? Big house? You think that empty house will warm you up, that a lot of money will keep you warm on cold days? I have to disappoint you, but no, it won’t. You think that you will feel better if you take care of some people your whole life, of some school, of some little things. Yes, those little things mean, but don’t take me wrong. We misunderstand everything because it’s hard for us to admit we’re wrong. We have been worried way too much. We spent way too much time sitting in our four walls for hours. Way too many days have past In our loneliness. Way too many years have passed while we were trying to catch our ‘Happy train’. And where do you think it would take us? Have you ever thought about what is happy place for you? Well, few of us can proudly say what is theirs, isn’t it? Too much time have past, too much strength have we lost, too many tears we have cried, way too many fake smiles have been given. Way too many times have people kissed without any passion, too many of them loves without love, way too many fake hugs has been given, way too many times have they set us up while they were looking us in the eyes. Way too many lies have been said, way too many fights have been fought, way too many time have we given up. And we shouldn’t have. We should have lived.                       

Život je lep, težak, čak je ponekad i dosadan, nepredvidljiv. Ali je od svega toga najviše, zapravo, kratak. Dok trepnete, on će proći. A njega, nažalost, niko neće moći da vrati. I u tom trenutku kada shvatite da vam je prošla mladost, prošla starost, da je sve došlo na sam kraj, šta mislite, šta će vam biti jedino bitno? Skupa kola koja vozite? Završene škole? Velika kuća? Mislite da će vas prazna kuća utopliti, da će vas puno para zagrejati u hladnim danima? Moraću da vas razočaram, ali ne, neće. Mislite da će vam biti lepo to što ste celog života brinuli oko nekih ljudi, oko nekih škola, oko nekih sitnica. Da, sitnice život znače, ali ne shvatajte I to pogrešno. Mi sve pogrešno razumemo jer nam je teško da priznamo da grešimo. Previše smo brinuli. Previše smo vremena trošili provodeći sate sami u naša četiri zida. Previše je dana prošlo u samoći. Previše je godina prošlo dok smo mi pokušavali da se ukrcamo na naš ‘srećan voz’. A gde mislite da bi vas on odvezao? Da li ste ikada razmislili o tome šta je za vas srećno mesto? Pa, retko ko može ponosno da kaže da jeste, zar ne? Previše je vremena prošlo, previše se snage istrošilo, previše se suza isplakalo, previše se lažnih osmeha dalo. Previše se ljubilo bez strasti, previše se volelo bez ljubavi, previše se lažno grlilo, previše se noga podmetalo dok se gledalo u oči. Previše laži se izreklo, previše se borba izborilo, previše se puta odustajalo. A nije trebalo. Trebalo je živeti.

I know, and you also know that I am right about everything I said. How many times have you put in front of you, school, job, money? How many times have you put your children, friends, beloved ones, behind some people that you thought they meant something to you, that they are worth of your attention? And how many time have you knew you were wrong, that those persons are not the real ones and how many times have you wanted get out of that circle, and you couldn’t ? A lot, and you know that very well. Because it was easier for me not to say anything.  It was easier for you not to say anything. You didn’t want to tell your opinion, didn’t want to agree with something, you didn’t want to feel not loved. And you already realized that then, and I will tell you now, they are not worthy enough to love you. That’s what life is like. Not everyone can love you. There’s some people that will just turn around and walk away peacefully, because they realized what you already did. What I also realize. That not everyone can love each other. While some people live in illusion of their existence, trying to be liked by everyone, trying to fit everyone, they lose their selves, they lose what they should have been, but no, that’s not what I came here to say. You need to realize that by yourself.

Ja znam, a znaš i ti da sam u pravu za sve što sam rekla. Koliko puta si postavio ispred sebe školu, posao, novac? Koliko puta si stavio svoju decu, prijatelje, sve svoje voljene, iza nekih osoba za koje si mislio da su ti dragi, da su vredni tvoje pažnje? A koliko si samo puta znao da grešiš, da te osobe nisu one prave i koliko si puta želeo da izađeš iz tog kruga, a nisi mogao? Mnogo, i ti to odlično znaš. Jer bilo mi je lakše da ćutim. Tebi je bilo lakše da ćutiš. Nisi želeo da istakneš svoje mišljenje, nisi želeo da se ne složiš, nisi želeo da te ne vole. A shvatao si već tad, a ja ću ti i sada reći, oni nisu dostojni toga da tebe vole. Takav je život. Ne mogu vas svi voleti. Postoje neki ljudi koji će se samo okrenuti i na kulturan način otići, jer su ti ljudi shvatili to što shvatate i vi. Što shvatam I ja. Da ne može svako svakoga da voli. Dok će neki ljudi živeti u iluziji njihovog postojanja, pokušavajući svima da se dopadnu, pokušavajući svima da se prilagode, oni gube svoje ja, gube sve ono što su trebali postati. Ali ne, to nisam došla da ti kažem. To moraš shvatiti sam.

I wanted to tell you one thing that worries you the most. Money. Yes, we all know that we need money for life, but let’s put that aside. I want to tell you, that on that pyramid of life priorities, there’s something that’s ahead of money. Do you know what is that do you know without which there would be no money, no love, there would be no sadness, suffering, illness? There would be no joy, there would be no family, there would be no battles, and there would be no victory? I know you know. Life.

Htela sam ti reći za jednu stvar koja te najviše brine. Novac. Da, svi znamo da nam je novac potreban za život, ali nećemo o tome sada. Ja hoću da ti kažem, da na toj piramidi životnih prioriteta, postoji nešto što je ispred novca. Znaš li šta je to? Znaš li bez čega ne bi bilo ni novca, ni ljubavi, ne bi bilo tuge, patnje, bolesti? Ne bi bilo radosti, ne bi bilo porodice, ne bi bilo bitaka, ne bi bilo pobeda? Znam da znaš. Život.

I will tell you what’s life for me, and you will realize that is similar to what they call definition of life.   But also, you will realize that life is much more and that it is a different concept for us all and that you shouldn’t be involved in that. This is life through my two brown eyes, through my heart, through my whole body.  This is the way I see life, the way I feel life. And you know what life means to you, you just need to find it deep down. That feeling that you are living life and that you are you are alive don’t change for anything on the world.  That feeling needs to be the most important one. To be alive and free. And from that, other feelings will just come up. And don’t forget, pain is also feeling. And it will hurt. Just heal yourself first before life passes by. And remember one more thing, rainbow will never go come up while the Sun is shining. To see a colorful rainbow, which makes us smile every time we see it and which one we glaze and admire so much, it needs rain. Became the rainbow. But don’t forget that you need storm, which life will set you up, to become beautiful, perfect. To become rainbow.                       

Ja ću ti reći samo šta je za mene život, a ti ćeš i sam shvatiti da je to približno onome što zovu definicija života. Ali, takođe, shvatićeš i da je život mnogo više i da je za sve nas drugačiji pojam i da se u to ne treba mešati. Ovo je život kroz moja dva braon oka, kroz moje srce, kroz celo moje telo. Ovo je način na koji ja gledam na život, na koji ja osećam život. A ti sam znaš šta za tebe znači život, samo pronađi to duboko u sebi. To osećanje da živiš život i da si živ ne menjaj ni za šta na ovom svetu. To osećanje neka ti bude najvažnije. Da si živ i da si slobodan. Od toga će nastati i druga osećanja. I ne zaboravi, i bol je osećanje. I boleće. Ali će i proći. Samo zaleči sebe pre nego što i život prođe. I zapamti još nešto, duga se nikada neće stvoriti kada sija Sunce. Da bi video šarenu dugu, koja nam svima izmami osmeh kada je ugledamo i na koju svi posmatramo sa divljenjem, potrebna je kiša.Ti postani duga. Ali ne zaboravi da ti je potreba oluja koju će ti život prirediti da bi nakon toga postao lep, savršen. Da bi postao duga.

In my eyes, life is simple. Not everyone can do what they love, not everyone can make money and secure themselves and their family what they  wish for, and that’s reality. But, there is always a way. There is always an exit from the maze.  You just need to be persistent and keep looking for it. Or maybe you could stop and build your life inside of the maze. Or you could destroy everything the maze is made of. It’s okay, everyone have its own way how to live life. Live, not survive. You live life, don’t forget that. It’s okay if you try to finish school if that’s what you love. It’s okay if you don’t go to the party if you know that there won’t be your friends. It’s okay to start getting ready for test 2 months earlier if you really love that. It’s okay if you live in the village if you like it. It’s okay not to do your makeup if you feel beautiful without it. It’s okay if you don’t learn everything every time. It’s okay to give up and go to different direction when you realize that’s not what you wanted. It’s okay to drive alone all night even if you have to get up early in the morning. It’s okay to feel sick, it’s okay not to be okay. All if you understand that’s life. Every day carries something beautiful, you only need to figure out what is that.                        

U mojim očima, život je prost. Možda ne može svako od nas da radi ono što voli, ne može svako da se bavi i da zarađuje i da obezbedi sebi i porodici sve što želi i to je realnost. Ali, uvek postoje načini. Uvek postoji izlaz iz lavirinta. Samo treba biti uporan i tražiti ga. Ili možda treba zastati i sagraditi život u lavirintu. Ili treba krenuti rušiti sve od čega je sagrađen lavirint. U redu je, svako ima svoj način na koji živi život. Živi, ne preživljava. Život se živi, ne zaboravi to. U redu je ako se potrudiš da završiš školu ako to zaista želiš. U redu je ako ne odeš na žurku, ako znaš da tamo nije tvoje društvo. U redu je da se spremaš za ispit dva meseca ako to zaista voliš. U redu je da živiš na selu ako ti to prija. U redu je da se ne šminkaš ako si lepa sama sebi bez šminke. U redu je da ne naučiš svaki put sve. U redu je da ponekada odustaneš i kreneš u drugom smeru onda kada shvatiš da to zapravo i nije bilo ono što si htela. U redu je da se voziš sama celu noć iako znaš da sutra rano ujutru moraš da ustaneš. U redu je da budeš loše, u redu je da ti ne bude u redu. Sve dok razumeš da je to život. Svaki dan sa sobom nosi nešto lepo, ti sam moraš pronaći i otkriti šta je to.

Life, how I see it it’s full of flaws and imperfection. It’s hard. It’s unfair. But, in life there is always that but.

Život, onako kako ga ja posmatram je pun mana i nesavršenosti. Težak je. Nepravedan je. Ali, uvek u životu postoji ali.

Find something you love, let that be your cure. Find something that suits you, something that feels you up. Something that will help you to fight reality. Learn that life is much more than that and you will see that your story doesn’t end up here.

Nađi nešto što voliš, radi to, neka ti to bude lek. Nađi nešto što ti prija, nešto što te ispunjava. Nešto što će ti pomoći da se izboriš sa stvarnošću. Nauči da je život mnogo više od toga i videčeš i sam da se tvoja priča ne završava ovde.

And don’t, just don’t be what people expect you to be. Life doesn’t expect anything from you, people are those who are ruining everything for you. Remember that.

I nemoj, samo nemoj da budeš u životu ono što ljudi očekuju od tebe da budeš. Život ne očekuje ništa od tebe, ljudi su ti koji sve kvare. Zapamti to.

And never forget:
Something wonderful will happened soon.❣

I nikada ne zaboravi:
nešto će divno uskoro da se desi.❣

dc hcniw


73 thoughts on “Life through two brown eyes

  1. weedjee says:

    Nice post and loving your philosophy rules, I love rainbow and I ain’t an expert in order to wonderful land and Alice, unfortunately when you’re seeing rainbow sad moments in your life.
    We’ve got a problem in the modern society when if you love petty things and no competitive thing you’re an alien. Live it up! You’re a great woman in order to your own sweet way
    Take care 😘😘😘😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

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