New Year Resolutions | mteodoraa

Hi everyone, here’s the new post. First of all, I want to wish you  the happiest New Year, the new beginning, the chance to correct all mistakes, to love the stronger, to hope more, to live a little better. I want to dismantle this 2018 year as it was in 2017. It broke up. A lot of happiness, health, joy, lots of love, money, everything you want for yourself,  I want it to you. To hang out for many years from now, to create new ideas, new acquaintances, to spread love and positive energy.

If you have some suggestions you would like to see in the future on my blog, whether they are reviews, stories, answers and questions, whatever you like and would like to see my post and my opinion about it, write me in the commentaries. I love you all !


I’ve prepared my plans for 2018 for this post. What I want to do more, less, to get into the routine of the day, all in order to have the best year, you will find out in this post. I want to motivate you to get the best out of yourself and not let someone or something to discourage you. You already know that I am in favor of courage and faith, so I will not let you lose it. Take care of yourself, take care of your feelings, because that’s how you will only understand how important the feelings are. I want for you to leave  all embarrassing and begin to start fresh, because New Year is the best chance for new beginnings. Enjoy and I love you all, but you already know it!

 ❧  Start this year with an empty jar. Every week, the paper records something nice that happened during that week and put it in a jar. At the end of 2018. read all those papers and remember the memories that you may for the sake of stress, and forget about everything. And it is important to remember that remembering is something that belongs to us only. So do not forget ..


 ❧ Move on. Do not sit in bed constantly looking at the phone and squinting that you are not as beautiful as that girl. Get out to the first park, sit on the bench, watch the world. Run rollers, bicycle, race. Take the dog into a long walk, inhale a clean air. It just moves and does not give up.


 ❧   Write the letters. Write them and send them to the people you love. Let your handwriting be your masterpiece, and be kept in boxes and papers that will serve for years. But do not write that talent so easily. Writing love and saluting love, let it grow out like a fever. Because love is all you need.

 ❧ Listen to the music. Whenever it’s boring,  let music and dance with it. Music motivates, relieves stress, makes us happy. So boost music every time you do not know what to do and dance, just dance through life.


 ❧  Find time for yourself. Attend yourself once a week. Find the time for your favorite nail polish, for a new mask. Find the time to make hair shine, read your favorite book, watch a new episode of the series. Slow down, because if you don’t, you know that nothing will be important anymore. So create yourself, not a career, not money. Yourself, to have everything else.


 ❧ Slow down when you eat. There is no need to rush. Take the time and enjoy the food you eat. It’s a bad habit, you eat very fast, and you know that you do not like it. Therefore, dedicate yourself, appreciate the food you eat and take the time to enjoy it. You deserved it.


 ❧  Cleanse your space. Clean your wardrobe, drawers, smog. Let everything be always clean and tidy, be it you really are. Perfectionist. And do not give your great virtue. Let everything be as perfect as you want. Never against it.


 ❧  Go to the concert. You know how much you like concerts, so go to local concerts that take place in your city or neighborhood city. These are memories, so create them.


 ❧  Learn Italian. That’s a big wish for you, is not it? Why did you give up? Learn through apps, through songs, how you can. But that’s what  makes you happy, that’s what it always does.


 ❧  Clean your lap top. This is a special category because is time to clean him. Delete duplicate images, clear keyboard, irrelevant clips. There are outdated memories, start everything again.


And just be happy. Do not let them break you, to crush your hope, your dreams will come true. Be happy and brave and go .. Al cielo.. e niente di meno ! ❤ 


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I love you all ! ❤


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