When we were younger..| mteodoraa


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One day, not so long ago,

We grew up.

Suddenly all we knew,

All we’ve loved,

Everything that we rejoiced,

It has become strange.

Not so long ago,

We believed in fairy tales,

In the once upon a time,

In forever,

In Paradise,

In good people,

In a happy life.

Not so long ago, but again

It seems to me, years away,

We were in love with the springs,

Random passers-by,

The Sun,

The sea,

The cartoons

And our favorite characters.

When we were younger,

This world had a different form.

He was sweeter,

Assembled in gentle sun colors,

Full of love and freedom.

And then we grew up.

While we were little,

Our days were full of



All Christmas lights

And the decorations.

When we were little,

Days started

When our favorite cartoon was,

And ending with pleasant voices

And the most lovable fairy tales.

And we believed,

We believed in princes

And princesses,

That every evil is always defeated by the good ones,

That love always has a happy ending.

And we believed that the world is small,

And our imagination is big enough to conquer it.

And we dreamed.

And we dreamed about distant places,

About some other people,

About great things,

About growing up.

While we were little,

We just wanted to grow up.

To pick up larger shoes,

To walk through the world by ourselves,

Not to be afraid of witches.

We wanted jobs,


We wanted to try everything that was forbidden,

We wanted to leave.

We were wandering for the lights of big cities,

Shifts of some other worlds

And we lost ourselves trying to grow up.

As we tried to grow up,

To throw our books from childhood,

To forget our first steps,

Our funny drawings,

We didn’t even notice-

Time passed.

And we passed with him.

And I remember, I’m sure you remember it too.

I remember all those days when the world was beautiful,

When the Sun shone stronger,

When I was looking forward to every fall,

When I picked up the flowers because I thought it was cold to them,

All those days when I believed that Peter Pan would come

And maybe I’m still a princess waiting for her prince.

I believed in once upon a time,

If I didn’t even notice that

It just came.

Once upon a time, we were happy.

We were kids,

But that’s how we grew up too fast.

These days have passed,

Now our eyes are often full of tears,

Those sparks that we can’t explain,

And often I hear a children’s voice that gently asks me

Did something happen?

And then I sigh with sadness

And I continue,

I continue growing up.

We stopped to be kids

And that had to happen.

Through the way which we are going now,

That little child of a playful heart,

Can’t go.

He is trapped between dreams,


Favorite cartoons

And the most delicious chocolate.

And he still believes in fairy tales.

And that way we went,

Now we have to pass ourselves.

Didn’t we want it?

Have we not dreamed of it our entire childhood?

What a feeling it will be when we swim

By the boat, we will sail alone?

Didn’t we just want this,

Not to play with dolls anymore,

To go to the first dates,

To be responsible,


Or maybe our wishes are somewhere

By the way,

They passed with our expectations

And nothing happened like we dreamed it to be.

And we grew up

And we could never return the same way again

Because even if we try,

There is nothing behind us,

Except for smoke, dust, and nothingness.

And we stayed alone.

Our friends have long ago grown up,

Now they are interested in some other things,

And nobody came to explain  to us

What really happens when we finally grow up

And stop being a child.

And isn’t being an adult man

Same as a child to be.

And not our dreams about the world were

The way the world really welcomed us.

And they are not, not all people are princes and princesses

And good doesn’t always win against evil.

And maybe it’s time to grow up…

But stop!                                                      

Why are you your favorite songs,

Favorite cassettes,

Your favorite quotes,

Old memories,

First love,

Hidden smiles,

The smallest touch,

Left on the side?

Not the beauty of your youth stopped,

To grow up,

But let this child stay forever in you

Even when in the world everything falls apart,

You forever bear that child’s smile in you.

Because no, don’t change your flowers for paper,

Don’t give your love, for success,

Don’t sell your imagination

For someone who doesn’t see all the colors of this world.

Oh come on,

Now you are a grown man,

That’s what you wanted,

But don’t betray yourself

And the kid you used to be.

And don’t,

Don’t fit in with something that’s here today,

And tomorrow it’s not.

Don’t sell your memories

For the love which is unfulfilled.

Don’t, just don’t grow up, although you already are,

Don’t grow up and forget about who you really are,

And on the platform that moves towards a new life,

Instead of a suitcase,  bring flowers

From your home,

Bring your mother’s cake,

Your grandmother’s favorite pie,

And one recollection of who you were

To don’t forget what sent you here.

And that’s not the desire to grow up.

It’s a desire to show up,

Yes, like a little bastard

Proudly stepping on your own.

It hasn’t sent you into this world your desire to be great,

What sent you is the desire to find herself.

But don’t call me,

I once grew up

And that once was enough.

I sold my flowers,

Napkins in full dusted boxes,

I lost my shells and souvenirs,

I burned pictures and friendships,

Lose a favorite handshake,

The first bike ride,

The first tooth which was taken by the Tooth Fairy.

I swapped my sunny days

For dark people like night,

And I didn’t get along the way 

Where you’re going to go now.

And no, I wasn’t strong enough.

The world from me somehow was always stronger,

But I believe that days will pass too.

And you, don’t sell your eternity

For false friendships,

Not let sad people

To crush your empires of luckiness.

You make,


Grow up in the best possible way,

How you can only grow up without

Escaping from your own skin.

And I see, I see your face

My childhood comes to an end,

Tomorrow you will already be the man alone on his own,


With easy steps, you will go to the end.

When we were younger,

It seemed like we are never able to grow up,

And now we just want to,


To be like children again.

You didn’t get it,

But before you is the way that you have to go,

Will anyone follow you on it?

Let me just imagine once again that I’m a mermaid,

That I was a princess,

That life’s fairy tale,

And I’m her main hero.

And let it go, let me just believe it once more

That one day, when I grow up,

Everything will be different.

And then, when I want to be a child again

You remind me why I wanted to grow,

And let it be for greater love,

Further clouds,

Because of the stronger sun,

Some good people,

Gentle songs

And even more beautiful mornings.

And if I ever want to be a kid

Just tell me

That I will always be a kid

As long as I have this little heart in me

And that child will live forever in me.

And if one day I get tired

By growing up,

You take me by the hand,

Because at the end of this fairy tale,

I know it’s waiting for me even bigger!


But leave behind you some memories

Like traces to one day

You can go home again.

And grow up, but leave me here,

Between the reality and the dream,

To hope and believe,

To wait for the shooting stars and Peter Pan

So I can  tell him that I’ve always been waiting for him

And that I knew he would come.

But you have grown up,

This time you have to go,

And I wish that only luck will accompany you,

I’ll come one day.

Just grow up and let your life surprise you,

And I will live forever in you.

Grow up,

And if you ever  again want to be a child,

Find me under the earliest memories

And you’ll see how years are flying.

Therefore, the adult version of me,

Don’t grow old without saving  yourself first,

Don’t let the views pull you away from the shore,

And don’t sell my clouds

For a handful of tiny memories.

You deserve the whole sky,

For I, the child in you has allowed you to grow up,

Don’t let me down now!

And love, as adults love,

Very  honestly and forever,

And your kingdom is waiting for you in the dream of your dreams

When you fall asleep once…

And until then, live,






And don’t be afraid,

You know for the best how is it nice to grow up.❣ 




Jednoga dana, ne tako davno,

Odrasli smo.

Odjednom, sve što smo znali,


Sve što nas je radovalo,

Postalo je strano.

Ne tako davno,

Verovali smo u bajke,

U ono nekada davno,

U ono zauvek,

U raj,

U dobre ljude,

U srećan život.

Ne tako davno, a opet,

Čini mi se, godinama daleko,

Bili smo zaljubljeni u proleće,

Slučajne prolaznike,



Crtane filmove

I omiljene likove.

Kada smo bili mlađi,

Ovaj je svet imao drugačiji oblik.

Bio je slađi,

Okupan u nežne sunčeve boje,

Prepun ljubavi i slobode.

A onda smo odrasli.

Dok smo bili mali,

Dani su nam bili puni



Svih božićnih sijalica

I ukrasa.

Kad smo bili mali,

Dani su počinjali

Kada i omiljeni crtani,

A završavali uz umilne glasove

I najdivnije bajke.

I verovali smo,

Verovali smo u prinčeve

I princeze,

Da svako zlo uvek bude pobeđeno,

Da ljubav uvek ima srećan kraj.

I verovali smo da je svet mali,

A naša mašta dovoljno velika da ga pokori.

I maštali smo.

I sanjali smo o dalekim mestima,

O nekim drugim ljudima,

O velikim stvarima,

O odrastanju.

Dok smo bili mali,

Samo smo hteli da porastemo.

Da obujemo cipele većeg broja,

Da koračamo kroz svet sami,

Da se ne plašimo babaroga,

Da nam drugačije počinju dani.

Hteli smo poslove,


Hteli smo da probamo sve što je bilo zabranjeno,

Hteli smo da odemo.

Lutali smo tražeći svetla velikih gradova,

Obrise  nekih drugih svetova

I izgubili smo se pokušavajući da odrastemo.

Dok smo se trudili da odrastemo,

Da bacimo knjige iz detinjstva,

Da zaboravimo naše prve korake,

Naše smešne crteže,

Nismo ni primetili-

Vreme je prošlo..

I mi smo prošli sa njim.

A ja pamtim, sigurna sam da pamtiš i ti.

Pamtim sve one dane kada je svet bio lep,

Kada je Sunce sijalo jače,

Kada sam se radovala svakom padu,

Kada sam brala cveće jer sam mislila da mu je hladno,

Svih onih dana kada sam verovala da će doći Petar Pan

I da sam možda i ja princeza koja čeka princa.

Verovala sam u ono nekada davno,

Da nisam ni primetila da je

Ono upravo i došlo.

Nekada davno, bili smo srećni.

Bili smo deca,

A tako smo prebrzo odrasli.

Ti su dani sada prošli,

Sada su nam oči često pune suza,

Onih iskrica koje ne možemo da objasnimo,

A često čujem dečiji glas koji me nežno pita

Da li se nešto desilo.

I onda ja tužno odmahnem srcem

I nastavim dalje,

Nastavim da rastem.

Prestali smo da budemo deca

I to je moralo da se desi.

Putem kojim sada koračamo,

Ono malo dete razigranog srca,

Ne može poći.

Ostalo je zarobljeno između snova,


Omiljenih crtanih filmova

I najukusnije čokolade.

A ono i dalje veruje u bajke.

A tim putem kojim smo mi pošli,

Sada sami moramo proći.

Zar nismo to i hteli?

Zar nismo celog detinjstva sanjali

Kakav će osećaj biti kad zaplivamo

Brodom kojim ćemo sami otploviti?

Zar nismo baš ovo i želeli,

Da se ne igramo lutkama više,

Da idemo na prve sastanke,

Da budemo odgovorni,

Odrasli ljudi?

Ili su nam se možda želje negde,

Onako, usput,

Mimoišle sa našim očekivanjima

I ništa nije ispalo kako smo sanjali da će biti.

A odrasli smo

I nikad se više nećemo vratiti istim putem,

Jer i da pokušamo,

Iza nas nema ničega,

Osim dima, prašine i ništavila.

I ostali smo sami.

Naši su prijatelji odavno odrasli,

Sada ih zanimaju neke druge stvari,

A niko nije stigao ni da nam objasni

Šta se zaista desi kada se odraste

I prestane da se bude dete.

A nije biti čovek veliki

Isto kao i dete biti.

I nisu naši snovi o svetu bili

Onako kakav nas je svet zaista dočekao.

I nisu, nisu svi ljudi prinčevi i princeze

I ne pobedjuje dobro uvek zlo.

I možda je i vreme da odrastemo..

Ali stani!

Zašto si svoje divne pesme,

Omiljene kasete,

Tvoje omiljene stihove,

Stare spomenare,

Prve ljubavi,

Skrivene osmehe,

Najnežnije dodire,

Ostavio po strani?

Nije lepota tvoje mladosti stala,


Ali to dete u tebi neka zauvek ostane

Čak i onda kada na svetu sve stane,

Ti zauvek nosi taj detinji osmeh u sebi.

Jer ne, ne menjaj svoje cveće za papir,

Ne daj svoju ljubav, za uspeh,

Ne prodaj svoju maštu

Radi nekoga ko ne vidi sve boje ovog sveta.

Ma hajde,

Sada si odrastao čovek,

To si i sam hteo,

Ali nemoj sebe da izneveriš

I ono dete koje si nekada bio.

I nemoj,

Nemoj da se uklapaš u nešto što je tu danas,

A sutra već nije.

Nemoj da prodaš svoje uspomene

Za sve ljubavi neostvarene.

Nemoj, samo nemoj da odrasteš iako već jesi,

Nemoj da odrasteš i da zaboraviš ko si,

I na peronu koji se ka novom životu kreće,

Umesto kofera, ti ponesi cveće

Iz tvoje rodne kuće,

Ponesi kolač tvoje majke,

Omiljenu pitu tvoje bake,

I jedno sećanje na ono ko si bio

Da ne zaboraviš šta te je tu i poslalo.

A to nije želja da odrasteš.

To je želja da se pokažeš,

Da poput malog ždrebeta

Ponosno zakoračiš sam.

Nije te u ovaj svet poslala tvoja želja da budeš veliki,

Poslala te je želja da pronađeš sebe.

Ali mene ne zovi,

Ja sam jednom odrasla

I to jednom je bilo dovoljno.

Prodala sam svoje cveće,

Salvete u kutijama pune prašine,

Izgubila sam školjkice i suvenire,

Spalila slike i prijateljstva,

Izgubila omiljeni stisak ruke,

Prvu vožnju bicikle,

Prvi zub kojeg je odnela Zubić vila.

Trampila sam svoje osunčane dane

Za ljude tamne poput noći,

I nikako se nisam snašla

Tu gde ti sad planiraš poći.

I ne, ja nisam bila dovoljno jaka.

Svet od mene nekako je uvek bio jači,

Ali verujem, proći će i ti dani.

A ti, ti nemoj da prodaš večnost svoju

Za lažna prijateljstva,

Ni da tužna lica

Poruše tvoja srećna carstva.

Ti stvaraj,


Odrasti na najlepši mogući način,

Onako kako se samo odrasti može,

A da se ne pobegne iz sopstvene kože.

A ja vidim, vidim po licu tvome

Došao je kraj detinjstvu mome,

Sutra ćeš već biti čovek sam na svome,


Polako, laganim koracima ići do kraja.

Kada smo bili mlađi,

Činilo se da odrasti nikada nećemo moći,

A sada samo poželimo da,

Eto tako, ponekad,

Opet deca budemo kao nekad.

Ti se snašla nisi,

Ali pred tobom je put kojim moraš poći,

Hoće li te iko na njemu pratiti ?

Pusti me samo da još jednom zamislim da sam sirena,

Da sam princeza,

Da je život bajka,

A ja njen glavni junak.

I pusti, pusti da još samo jednom poverujem

Da će, jednog dana, kada odrastem,

Sve biti drugačije.        

I onda, kada poželim da opet budem dete

Ti me podseti zašto sam htela da porastem,

I neka to bude zbog veće ljubavi,

Daljih oblaka,

Zbog jačeg sunca,

Nekih dobrih ljudi,

Nežnih pesama

I još lepših jutra.

I ako ikada poželim da budem dete

Samo mi reci

Da to već i jesam

I da ću to uvek biti

Sve dok u meni kuca ovo maleno srce

I to će dete u meni zauvek živeti.

I ako se jednog dana umorim

Od odrastanja,

Ti me za ruku povedi,

Jer na kraju ove bajke,

Znam da me čeka još veća!

Zato odrasti,

Ali ostavi za sobom uspomena i sećanja

Kao tragove da jednog dana

Možeš kući da se vratiš..

I odrasti, ali mene ostavi ovde,

Između jave i sna,

Da se nadam i verujem,

Da čekam zvezdu padalicu i Petra Pana

Kako bih mu rekla da sam ga oduvek čekala

I da sam znala da će doći.

Ali ti odrasti,

Ovog puta moraš poći,

I neka te samo sreća prati,

Ja ću jednoga dana već doći.

Samo odrasti i pusti da te život iznenadi,

A ja ću zauvek u tebi živeti.


A kada ponovo poželiš da budeš dete,

Nađi me ispod najstarije uspomene

I videćeš kako godine lete.

Zato, odrasla verzijo mene,

Nemoj da odrasteš, a da ne sačuvaš sebe,

Ne dozvoli da te virovi odvuku daleko od obale,

I ne prodaj svoje oblake

Za šaku sitnih uspomena.

Ti zaslužujes nebo celo,

Jer sam ti ja, dete u tebi, dozvolio da odrasteš,

Nemoj sada da me izneveriš!

I voli, onako kako odrasli vole,

Jako, iskreno i zauvek,

A tvoje te kraljestvo čeka na oblačku tvojih snova

Kada jednom zaspiš..

A do tada, živi,

Nadaj se,





I ne boj se,

Ti najbolje znaš kako je ipak lepo odrasti..❣ 

dc hcniw

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For any suggestion or cooperation, contact me via email: mteodoraa25@gmail.com
I love you all!❤

27 thoughts on “When we were younger..| mteodoraa

  1. rolandlegge says:

    Beautiful poem! Yes we need to honor the inner child in each of us. Manic Teodora I love your poetry. Every time I read your poems I feel like you take me on journey. Well done. Thank you.😊❤️💐

    Liked by 2 people

  2. MOMENTS says:

    Beautifully worded, a fresh poem and a great homage to the inner child in us. Love these lines:

    „But let this child stay forever in you

    Even when in the world everything falls apart,

    You forever bear that child’s smile in you.

    Because no, don’t change your flowers for paper,

    Don’t give your love, for success,

    Don’t sell your imagination

    For someone who doesn’t see all the colors of this world.“

    BTW, thank you so much for the follow. I really appreciate this.

    Liked by 1 person

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